"At one point it seemed like that's where it was headed, but point blank, he is about football."And in the same article, Romo is quoted as saying,
"We're (just) friends."If that isn't evidence enough that these two hooked up, perhaps these pictures will make it quite clear:

Alright, give it up. It's obvious you two were together, so just quit lying. On the other hand, maybe we can rely on Carrie's word as to whether she dated Romo or not. We can all agree that Carrie didn't have another boyfriend since her victory on "American Idol", right? So if she ever talks about an ex-boyfriend since "Idol", it would have to mean Romo, right? Good, glad we're on the same page!
In a recent interview with Great American Country TV, Carrie claims she doesn't keep in touch with her ex-boyfriends because,
"most of my exes are pre-'Idol'"MOST??? That means at least one is post-"Idol", correct? Meaning Romo...since we already established that. Okay, so now we have hard evidence that they were together, but why aren't they now? Well according to Carrie,
"I don't know if it's that I'm not quite his type or whatever, but I don't think he's at the point in his life where he would be willing to sacrifice football. He hated so much that people thought that he was paying more attention to me and that was causing him to not do well.''Alright, fair enough. He didn't like that people thought he was slacking in the football department. Well not so much thought, as knew... But who broke up with who? It may seem that Romo broke up with Carrie. WRONG. On her latest album "Carnival Ride," she co-wrote a track titled "All-American Girl." The second verse of the song has these lyrics:
"She was falling for the senior football star
Before you knew it he was dropping passes
Skipping practice just to spend more time with her
The coach said, hey son what is your problem
Tell me have you lost your mind
Daddy said you'll lose your free ride to college
Boy, you better tell her goodbye"
Hmm...well I think Carrie knew she was affecting Romo's play. Then ended up writing a song containing lyrics that prove to him that they weren't meant for each other. Even though the album didn't come out until late October, the two have reportedly been split up since summer, and she would have had to take the time to write the song beforehand. If they had been together, he would have surely wanted to know what she was writing. And once she showed it to him, that was it. He realized he wasn't going to score a huge contract with the Cowboys and he would forever be known as the quarterback who fumbled his team's season away, so the relationship was over.
It seems to be working out for the two, nonetheless. Carrie has been spotted with Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl) and Romo seems to have worked out a 6 year, zillion dollar contract with the 'Boys. So good luck to them both!
As for Romo and his current love life, well lets just say his success is on the field....
*RANDOM TONY ROMO FUN FACT OF THE DAY: Tony Romo is the HEAD QUARTERback of Dallas. Whereas, Tony Roma's HEADQUARTERs in Dallas. Coincidence?
Coming Soon: I'll break down everything you need to know about the upcoming Patriots/Colts game.
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